Lifeguard Certification & Re-Certification
Lifeguard Certification 2024
Certifications: Lifeguard | First Aid | CPR | AED
Classes for Lifeguarding Certification
YES Plan Students: If you are a Rutland High School student, you can register for Lifeguard class through YES Plan for 2023. Dates and times during YES plan.
Cost: $195.00
Lifeguard Class: Additional Classes will be offered on Friday, May 31st : 4:00-7:00 PM, Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd: 8am-4PM . Three day course, must be present at all sessions
Cost: $245.00Resident/$294.00 non-resident
Registration opens March 12th at 9am
Must be AT LEAST 15 Years of Age ON or BEFORE the last day of class
Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing
Tread water for two minutes using only legs
Complete a timed event within 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Swim 20 yards
Surface dive to depth of 7-10 feet
Retrieve 10lb object
Swim 20 yards
Exit Pool
Must attend ALL sessions
Lifeguard RE-Certification 2024
Certifications: Lifeguard | First Aid | CPR | AED
Saturday, May 25th 8am-4pm
Registration Opens on March 12th, 2023 at 9 am
$145.00 Resident Fee/ $174.00 Non Resident Fee
White Memorial Park Pool, 21 Avenue B
Must have CURRENT Lifeguarding Certificatoin
Must be AT LEAST 15 Years of Age ON or BEFORE the last day of class
Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing
Tread water for two minutes using only legs
Complete a timed event within 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Swim 20 yards
Surface dive to depth of 7-10 feet
Retrieve 10lb object
Swim 20 yards
Exit Pool
Contact: Kim Peters, for more information -